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Arts Education: Drama - Reader's Theater

Big Idea (6): Experiencing art is a means to develop empathy for others’ perspectives and experiences.

Big Idea (5): Dance, drama, music and visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating.

Content (5+6): Drama: character, time, place, plot, tension, mood, focus, contrast

Content (5+6)a variety of dramatic forms: a medium for the expression of dramatic meaning (e.g., improvisation, tableau, role-play, mime, readers theatre, story theatre); may involve the integration of a variety of media and a combination of the arts

Curricular Competency (6): Exploring and Creating: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of personal, social, cultural, historical, and environmental contexts in relation to the arts

Curricular Competency (5): Exploring and Creating: Explore a range of cultures, and the relationships among cultures, societies, and the arts

Curricular Competency (6): Communicating and Documenting: Take creative risks to express feelings, ideas, and experiences

Curricular Competency (5): Communicating and Documenting: Express, feelings, ideas, and experiences through the arts

Curricular Competency (5+6): Reasoning and Reflecting: Develop and refine ideas, processes, and technical skills in a variety of art forms to improve the quality of artistic creations

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning is experiential

Reader's Theater - Rubric

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