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English Vocabulary 5/6

Big Idea (6): Developing our understanding of how language works allows us to use it purposefully.

Content (5+6): Strategies and processes:

  • metacognitive strategies

    talking and thinking about learning (e.g., through reflecting, questioning, goal setting, self-evaluating) to develop one’s awareness of self as a reader and as a writer

Curricular Competency (5): Comprehend and Connect: Apply a variety of thinking skills (developing explanations; making and explaining connections) to gain meaning from texts

Curricular Competency (5): Create and Communicate: Develop and apply expanding word knowledge

Curricular Competency (6): Comprehend and Connect: Synthesize ideas from a variety of sources to build understanding

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning involves patience and time


Learning a new vocabulary word, and truly understanding it, is not the same as memorizing the definition a night before a quiz, and then forgetting it hours later. TPRS research tells us that in order to learn a new word, you need to use in, in context, 200 different ways. It is not simply good enough to just repeat the same sentence - every sentence has to be different. Our goal is to truly LEARN new words, and not just memorize them!


Every day will be a different format.


Day 1: writing sentences using the new vocabulary word

Day 2: drawing a picture that represents the meaning of the word

Day 3: writing a play/skit that uses the meaning of the word. Present the skit to another group / the class

Day 4: writing a comic strip that incorporates the word

Day 5: writing a short story that uses the word.

Examples of vocabulary activities

Vocabulary Words

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