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English: Poetry

Big Idea (6) + (7): Language and text can be a source of creativity and joy

Content (6) + (7): literary elements

Content (6) + (7): literary devices

Content (6) + (7): text - form

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Comprehend and Connect: Recognize and appreciate how different features, forms, and genres of texts reflect different purposes, audiences, and messages

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Comprehend and Connect: Think critically, creatively, and reflectively to explore ideas within, between, and beyond texts

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Comprehend and Connect: Understand how literary elements, techniques, and devices enhance and shape meaning

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Create and Communicate: Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful literary and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Create and Communicate: Assess and refine texts to improve their clarity, effectiveness, and impact according to purpose, audience, and message

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story.

Poetry - Rhyme Scheme

Poetry - Symbolism

Poetry - Literary Devices

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