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Physical and Health Education: Social and Community Health

Big Idea (6): Learning about similarities and differences in individuals and groups influences community health.

Content (6): practices that reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and life-threatening communicable diseases

Content (7): practices that reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections and life-threatening communicable diseases

Content (6/7): strategies to protect themselves and others from potential abuse, exploitation, and harm in a variety of settings

Content (6/7): consequences of bullying, stereotyping, and discrimination

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Social and Community Health: Identify and describe strategies for avoiding and/or responding to potentially unsafe, abusive, or exploitive situations

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Social and Community Health: Describe and assess strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Social and Community Health: Describe and apply strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Social and Community Health: Explore strategies for promoting the health and well-being of the school and community

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors.

Substance Abuse

Responding to Discrimination

Protect in Situations

Responding to Emergencies

Practices to Reduce STIs

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