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Global Issues

~The ancient world to the 7th century~     ~Modern Times~

Big Idea (6): Complex global problems require international cooperation to make difficult choices for the future 

Content (6): The urbanization and migration of people

Content (6): Regional and international conflict

Content (7): International cooperation and responses to global issues

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Assess the significance of people, places, events, or developments at particular times and places (significance)

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Characterize different time periods in history, including periods of progress and decline, and identify key turning points that marked periods of change (continuity and change)

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Determine which causes most influenced particular decisions, actions, or events, and assess their short- and long-term consequences (cause and consequence)

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning is reflective.

What is urbanization?

Push vs Pull Factors

Historical examples of migration: early humans out of Africa

Historical examples of migration: the Roman Empire

Historical examples of migration: Vikings

Historical examples of migration: The Jewish Diaspora

Historical examples of migration: The Slave Trade

Modern-Historical examples of migration: colonizing the New World

Modern-Historical examples of migration: North America, First-Nations, and settling the west

Modern examples of migration: the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Modern-Historical examples of migration: WW1

Modern-Historical examples of migration: WW2

Modern examples of migration: Mexico-United States

Modern examples of migration: China-Hong Kong

Modern examples of migration: China-North America

Modern examples of migration: India-United Arab Emirates

Modern examples of migration: Afghanistan-Pakistan

Modern examples of migration: China-Hong Kong

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