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English: Technicalities of Language

Big Idea: Developing our understanding of how language works allows us to use it purposefully.
Curricular competency: Create and communicate: use an increasing repertoire of conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Content: Language features, structures, and conventions: conventions (common practice in all standard punctuation use, in capitalization, and in Canadian spelling)
First Peoples Principles of Learning: learning involves patience and time

Exclamation mark, question mark, Hyphen, slash


comma, colon, semi-colon, period, dash, ellipses

quotation marks, brackets, parentheses


Capitalization: Proper Nouns

Capitalization: Philosophical capitalization


Spelling: Homonyms

Spelling: silent letters

Spelling: Patterns


Spelling: Assignment

Grammar: Verb Tenses

Grammar: Negatives

Grammar: Dangling participles

Grammar: Misplaced Modifiers

Grammar: register

Grammar: assessment

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