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Socials: Economy

Big Idea (7): Economic specialization and trade networks can lead to conflict and cooperation between societies 

Big Idea (6): Economic self-interest can be a significant cause of conflict among peoples and governments 

Content (6): Globalization and economic interdependence. Sample topics: imports and exports, G20 (Group of Twenty), European Union, North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA), tariffs and taxation, trade imbalances

Content (7): Scientific, philosophical, and technological developments

Content (7): Interactions and exchanges between past civilizations and cultures, including conflict, peace, trade, expansion, and migration. Sample topic: -inter-relationships and influences among selected ancient cultures (e.g., Egyptian adaptation of chariots from the Hyksos; Roman adaptation of Greek gods and mythology; adaptations of Sumerian writing system, Babylonian code of law, Sumerian irrigation system)

Content (7): Economic policies and resource management, including effects on indigenous peoples (6) Sample topics: deforestation, mining, oil and gas, fisheries, infrastructure development, relocation of communities

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Assess the significance of people, places, events, or developments at particular times and places (significance)

Curricular Competency (6) + (7): Determine which causes most influenced particular decisions, actions, or events, and assess their short- and long-term consequences (cause and consequence)

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning is reflective




Resource Management

Oil and Gas


Putting it all together


Trade, Imports, Exports, Tarriffs

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