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Arts Education: Visual Arts - Drawing

Big Idea (5+6): Dance, drama, music and visual arts are each unique languages for creating and communicating.

Content (6): visual arts: elements of design: line, shape, space, texture, colour, form (visual arts), value; principles of design: pattern, repetition, balance, contrast, emphasis, rhythm (visual arts), variety, unity, harmony

Content (5): visual arts: elements of design: line, shape, space, texture, colour, form (visual arts), value; principles of design: balance, pattern, repetition, contrast, emphasis, rhythm (visual arts), unity, harmony, variety

Curricular Competency (5+6): Exploring and Creating: Create artistic works collaboratively and as an individual using ideas inspired by imagination, inquiry, experimentation, and purposeful play

Curricular Competency (5+6): Reasoning and Reflecting: Develop and refine ideas, processes, and technical skills in a variety of art forms to improve the quality of artistic creations

Curricular Competency (5+6): Communicating and Documenting: Interpret and communicate ideas using symbols and elements to express meaning through the arts

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning is experiential

How Pictures Work

Principles of Design

Elements of Art

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