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Math: Fluency with Adding and Subtracting

Big Idea (6):

*Properties of objects and shapes can be described, measured, and compared using volume, area, perimeter, and angles.

**Linear relations can be identified and represented using expressions with variables and line graphs and can be used to form generalizations.

Big Idea (5):

*Closed shapes have area and perimeter that can be described, measured, and compared.

*Identified regularities in number patterns can be expressed in tables.

Content (5): addition and subtraction facts to 20 (extending computational fluency)

Content (5): duration, using measurement of time

Content (5): one-step equations with variables

Content (5): rules for increasing and decreasing patterns with words, numbers, symbols, and variables

Content (6): perimeter of complex shapes

Content (6): increasing and decreasing patterns, using expressions, tables, and graphs as functional relationships

Curricular Competency (5+6): Reasoning and analyzing: Estimate reasonably

Curricular Competency (5): Reasoning and analyzing: Use reasoning to explore and make connections

Curricular Competency (6): Reasoning and analyzing: Use reasoning and logic to explore, analyze, and apply mathematical ideas

Curricular Competency (6): Understanding and Solving: Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations

Curricular Competency (5): Communicating and Representing: Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions

Curricular Competency (5+6): Connecting and Reflecting: Reflect on mathematical thinking

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning involves patience and time

Perimeter of Complex Shapes

Content (6): perimeter of complex shapes

One-Step Equations with Variables

Content (5): one-step equations with variables

One-Step Equations with Variables - Addition

One-Step Equations with Variables - Subtraction

Linear Expressions

Content (5): one-step equations with variables

Content (5): rules for increasing and decreasing patterns with words, numbers, symbols, and variables

Content (6): increasing and decreasing patterns, using expressions, tables, and graphs as functional relationships

Content (5): rules for increasing and decreasing patterns with words, numbers, symbols, and variables


Content (5): duration, using measurement of time

  • understanding elapsed time and duration

  • applying concepts of time in real-life contexts and problem-based situations

  • daily and seasonal cycles, moon cycles, tides, journeys, events


Content (5): rules for increasing and decreasing patterns with words, numbers, symbols, and variables

Content (6): increasing and decreasing patterns, using expressions, tables, and graphs as functional relationships

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