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New Media 12

July 3rd: Bloom's Questions, Text Forms

July 4th: Features of a Blog, Text genres, New Media Functions - advocacy

July 5th: Test - blogs, form, function, and genre of multimedia texts, relationships between form, function, and technology

July 8th: Text features and structures - formatting and graphics – more examples

July 9th:

Test - write a blog

Podcasts – what are they ? Podcasts – some examples.

Language features, structures, and conventions - elements of style

Language features, structures, and conventions - media techniques, literal and inferential meaning

July 10th:  more podcast examples, New Media Functions - propaganda, manipulation, Text features and structures - formatting and graphics – examples

July 11th:  test - podcasts, Text features and structures - interactivity

July 12th:  in-class podcast creation, Strategies and processes - multimodal reading strategies

July 15th:  How to write an analytical essay. Language features, structures, and conventions - literary elements and devices

July 16th: Text features and structures - protocols related to the ownership of First Peoples oral texts, Text features and structures - narrative structures found in First Peoples texts, Strategies and processes - oral language strategies

July 17th: First Peoples Texts

July 18th: First Peoples Texts

July 19th: In-class Analytical Essay – First Peoples Texts, Strategies and processes - reading strategies

July 22nd: video game language, Strategies and processes - multimodal writing strategies, New Media Functions - community building

July 23rd: In-class Boom's test - video game language, Strategies and processes - writing processes

July 24th: Language features,  structures and conventions: citation techniques, how to write a compare-contrast essay

July 25th: In-class compare-contrast essay – video game language, Strategies and processes - multimedia presentation processes

July 29th: In-class test: Information appreciation – blog, Strategies and processes - metacognitive strategies

July 30th: Practice writing video game dialogue – sports video game

July 31st: Practice writing video game dialogue – apocalyptic / action video game

August 1st: Practice writing video game dialogue – RPG (role playing game) genre

August 2nd: Practice writing video game dialogue – educational genre

August 6th: In-class write: video game dialogue

August 7th: Video Game Documentary

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