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Text Types

In both English and French, you will need to know your text types. In several of the assignments, you will actually be graded on how well you adhere to the text type, and how well you show your text type throughout the document. This page is dedicated to helping you navigate your way through the complexities of each text type.

Text Types: explanations

Text Types: examples

It was my goal to show you an example for each text type. I found that the Written Assignment, and Paper 2 were not as accessible and understandable as they could be. I wanted to model the text types for you, so that you could see what it would look like.


This is what I did. I found an article, a brochure, and a blog. I then tried to recreate as many text types as possible, based on the information found within the 3 original text types. Typically, in the Written Assignment, if you choose 3 articles, then you cannot also write an article, as you are supposed to create a text type that was not a text type that you referenced. I did it anyways, just so that you could see what each text type looks like in practice. I have a pdf of everything (without colour marking), and a pdf of everything (with colour marking), in addition to the text types (colour makred) indvidually broken down. I learned a lot over the course of this exercise, and I tried to pass on some of what I learned, as written in the colour-marked versions.

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