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Math: Fractions

Big Idea (6): Mixed numbers and decimal numbers represent quantities that can be decomposed into parts and wholes.

Big Idea (5): Numbers describe quantities that can be represented by equivalent fractions.

Content (5): probability experiments, single events or outcomes

Content (5): equivalent fractions

Content (6): single-outcome probability, both theoretical and experimental

Content (6): improper fractions and mixed numbers

Curricular Competency (5+6): Understanding and Solving: Visualize to explore mathematical concepts

Curricular Competency (6): Understanding and Solving: Apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations

Curricular Competency (5): Communicating and Representing: Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions

Curricular Competency (5+6): Connecting and Reflecting: Reflect on mathematical thinking

Curricular Competency (5): Reasoning and analyzing: Use reasoning to explore and make connections

Curricular Competency (6): Communicating and Representing: Communicate mathematical thinking in many ways

Curricular Competency (5+6): Reasoning and analyzing: Estimate reasonably

First Peoples Principles of Learning: Learning is relational

Math: Fractions

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